Homework #4 - Sales Person Calculator
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- Create a project to calculate the weekly salary and commission rate for a sales person based on their weekly sales. Provide a summary of the running totals of the weekly salary and commissions paid and an About Box.
- Class
- Properties
- An external class is required.
- Properties for Name (must not be blank), Weekly Sales (must not be < 0)
- Readonly properties for Commission and Pay
- Readonly properties Total Sales, Total Commission, Total Pay
- Commission:
- If Sales > Quota (250) then Commission = Sales * Commission Rate (20%)
- Else Commission = 0
- Pay = Base Salary (500) + Commission
- Total Sales/Commission/Pay should accumulate for ALL sales person's entered
- Methods
- Sub FindPay, Function CalculateCommission(SalesDecimal)
- Both methods should be hidden
- Constructor
- Overloaded to accept Name and Sales and should calculate Pay on instantiation
- Form
- Verify a name was entered
- Verify sales amount entered is numeric
- Pay should instantiate an object and calculate and display Pay.
- Summary should open in separate form. Display total sales, commissions, pay for all sales persons entered.
- MUST be opened Modelessly and updated on Form Activation
- About should open separate form
- Exit should close the program
For Full Credit:
- Program must be well documented and controls well named according to standards.
- Data must be validated and formatted appropriately
- NO Autoimplemented properties
- Results must match Runtime answers
- All items in Code section above must be completed